
Friday, January 30, 2009


Friday -- YEAH!! I'm so thrilled again it's Friday -- that means sleeping in, funny that's what I get excited about..ha ha. I can stay up late and sleep in! :)

This week I've really been trying to dig into why I overeat. Really question - WHY? And you know what? I have the HARDEST time figuring it out!! I don't know why. No clue! Is this why I'm not successful in losing weight? Maybe a piece of the puzzle? Why IS FOOD SO IMPORTANT to me? If I overeat or eat something I shouldn't have I question the why's and it's strange I have no idea...none! Odd...

Anyhow I have been pretty good this week with the exception of having some candy on Wednesday!! We are going to start planning our meals more -- well dinner anyhow -- I already do my breakfast and lunch. Since the husband is committed to changes this will help as the night time has been the challenge for me lately...and with him on board it should be easier to change that.

I made Hamburger Stoganoff last night and it was soooo good!! It came out to be 8 points per serving w/ a serving of whole wheat noodles. Also had a side of veggies. I don't have nutrition info (it's at home) but should be easy to figure out if you want to!

Hamburger Stroganoff
serves 4
1 lb lean ground beef
1/2 onion chopped (I used a generous amt of onion flakes)
Sliced mushrooms (I left this out, but some like them! Don't remember how many)
1/2 cup beef stock
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
1 Tablespoon flour
1 Cup Lite Sour cream

Brown ground beef, onions and mushrooms. Drain fat and sprinkle beef w/flour and mix together. Add beef stock and tomato paste. Continue to cookover low heat until thick (or until noodles or rice are done!). Take off heat and add sour cream. Serve over noodles or rice!

Well my goal is to stay on track for the weekend and with the husband on board should be easier to tackle. We are making a menu for the week together this weekend and hitting the grocery!

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello Hello! I'm back! Man on man lots going on around here lately. Sorry haven't posted. Diet front...eeeeh not that great. But back on it this week, haven't weighed in since last time due to tons of crapola going on. Anyhow -- back to my menus this week!

My husband has an issue that is requiring surgery and has him really wanting to eat better as well. He also has high blood pressure and is wanting to begin to eat better to help control that. I'm thrilled I have a partner now in this!! Yahhooo!

Also we are about to begin the processed called IVF, so yes trying to have a baby!! The percentages that this will be successful is pretty low but am optimistic and hopefully. It is VERY expensive and our insurance does NOT cover this so we are only able to try this one time. I'm in the beginning stages and had my blood drawn yesterday and Monday going for my first appointment. Either way the outcome is I'll be ok -- my life is good now, so if it doesn't include any children of my own that is ok, I have my 2 stepdaughters! :)

ALSO big drum roll! I quit smoking, yes I was a smoker!! It is now into week 3 of not smoking and I have to say I am just fine. I am not using food as a substitute nor am I a mess...ha ha My husband on the other hand is having a little harder of a time but he'll be ok!

So big changes and lots going on in my life -- BUT am still working on losing weight as well, some may say that's too much but I don't think so -- am working on making myself more healthy and that includes eating better!

Anyhow will be around more often, hope everyone is having a good day!!